domingo, 3 de julio de 2016

La extinción de las especies siempre presente.

Feliz descubrimiento - Great Discovery

Encuentran Pájaro Moteado extinto de Nepal después de desaparecer durante 178 años

 Nepal’s Extinct Bird Spotted After Disappearing for 178 Years

Un equipo de observadores de aves se topó con un pájaro que no ha sido
visto en el este de Nepal durante casi 200 años.

A team of bird-watchers stumbled upon a bird that hasn’t been 
seen in eastern Nepal for almost 200 years.

The red-faced liocichla (Liocichla phoenicea) hasn’t been spotted 
for 178 years and was thought to be locallyextinct, according to Australian 
Geographic. A group of ornithologists spotted the bird on a 10-day bird 
watching tour.
Photo credit: Paulo Coteriano, Flickr

We were excited when we first spotted a pair of red-faced liocichla in the 
forest,” Hem Sagar Baral, of theZoological Society London and leader of the 
tour, told the Kathmandu Post. “The sighting of the bird after more than 
a century and a half has raised hopes of finding more such species that have 
not been sighted for a very long time.

The bird-watching group originally saw just two red-faced liocichlas, but 
when they returned to the spot the next day, they saw eight birds, 
including a male-female pair, Australian Geographic reported.

When we confirmed it was the red-faced liocichla we all felt so happy—
we were so excited,” Tikaram Giri, a senior field ornithologist, said. 
We never thought and never expected to see it so easily.
The red-faced liocichla is widely distributed throughout Vietnam, 
Bhutan, Laos, Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Discoveries of species previously thought to be extinct are 
not uncommon, Australian Geographic said.Several species of birds, 
mammals, insects, reptiles and plants have been rediscovered after years 
of no sightings.

Diana FisherUniversity of Queensland fellow, said about a third 
of all mammals ever feared to be extinct have been rediscovered.

Photo credit: Jason Thompson, Flickr

There are large numbers of poorly known species around the world only 
known from a single museum specimen as well,” Fisher told 
Australia Geographic. “So it is hard to know anything much about them 
or where they exist.But there is still reason for the bird-watching group 
in Nepal to celebrate.

Photo credit: Bob Du, Flickr

Nepal is home to 878 species of birds, 8 percent of the world’s known birds.
 Even with the abundance, a lot of the species are close to being labeled 
as threatened.

Nearly 20 percent of Nepal’s birds (167 species) are threatened with 
extinction in the country including 37 species which are threatened 
on a global scale,” the Zoological Society London wrote.
Another 62 species are closing in on having a threatened status, 
the Weather Channel reportedNine species are believed to be extinct 
in Nepal because they have not been spotted since the 19th century.

ORIGINAL: Ecowatch
June 15, 2016


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